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"Laughing All the Way to Enlightenment - A Humorous Spiritual Journey"

"The Tibetan Book of the Dad - Stories of living, dying and diapering"

Rescue Me! (One Golfer's Obnoxious Memoir)

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"Laughing All the Way to Enlightenment"

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Laughing All the Way to Enlightenment - A Humorous Spiritual Journey

Laughing All the Way to Enlightenment - A Humorous Spiritual Journey

by Charles "Chick" Balter

Formerly Titled: India on a Thousand Dollars a Day
Stillpoint Press, Copyright 1995
ISBN: 0-9646244-0-0
304 Pages

The spiritual path requires humor, lots of it. The willingness to be a joke unto ourselves empowers us with the bouyancy we need to move through the devine comi-drama of our lives. Laughing All the Way to Enlightenment by Charles Balter celebrates this perspective through a heartfelt and hilarious account of his wild ride on the spiritual-seeking merry-go-round. With many cartoon illustrations and quotes from lots of wise people, its style is light and admirably self-revealing.

A True Story of Adventure Into the Unknown.

Recovering from a failed marriage and inner and outer bankruptcy, a thirty- something building contractor from Philadelphia stumbles into a series of mysterious, synchronistic events that turn his body, his life (and his pockets) upside down, catapulting him into a sometimes hilarious yet always sincere journey along the path of self-discovery.

From firewalking and sacred rituals to Indian barber shops, from cremations on the Ganges to earthquakes and juice bars in California, this tale illuminates the challenge of facing fear directly and the power in gratefully accepting and celebrating life as it comes.

Highlighted with ancient teaching stories, lighthearted illustrations, jokes, and cosmic bumper stickers, this story is one man's full-tilt exploration into himself and a lighter (and real) look at the inner game, with all its seduction, sham, truth, fascination - and expense.

Chapter after Chapter, we're treated to an eye-opening array of anecdotes. They are funny, sad, shocking, and more, but they all reflect the author's honest and gritty grappling with the suchness of his own life. Each episode, from the burning ghats on the Ganges to the firewalks in Philadelphia, reveals the humilty of traveling the spiritual path.

So, next time you're in the mood to elevate your spirits, resist the urge to consult the Old Testament or one of those riveting volumes of Hindu mythology and pick up a copy of Laughing All the Way to Enlightenment. Read this in a bubble bath, not on a bed of nails, and let truth tickle you on every page.

Charles Balter lives in New Jersey and conducts courses in meditation, self-mastery, and firewalking throughout the United States and elsewhere in the world.

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Reviews - What some people are saying about this book:

- "The best thing since the Vedas... and you no what happened to them - they couldn't give 'em away." ~ Dr. Jay Kreesh Nah Merty

- ".....fills the gap between shallow, materialistic how-to books and tiresome spiritual pap. You may never want to read another personal growth book." ~ Personal Growth Gazette

- "Brilliant... Clear, exciting, well written. I think everyone should read it." ~ Gladys Balter, Author's mother

- "Couldn't put it down. This book has a sort of mesmerizing, hypnotic quality. But I was glad to see that the guy eventually got a life."
~ Judy P Dulum, Certified Hypnotherapist

- "If I were still alive I'd sue the bastard." ~ Alan Watts, author of Cloud Hidden, Whereabouts Unknown

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Laughing All the Way to Enlightenment - Chapter Excerpts

Chapter 6 - "Classical Yoga: Corpses and Central Casting"

Chapter 8 - "Fire! The Heart of Agni Yoga"

Chapter 13 - "The Sound Celestial"

Chapter 16 - "Camp Concentration"

Chapter 27 - "Heart of the Fire"

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The Tibetan Book of the Dad - Stories of Living, Dying, and Diapering"

The Tibetan Book of the Dad - Stories of Living, Dying, and Diapering

Parenting as a Path of Awakening

by Charles "Chick" Balter

Forthcoming Book. Copyright 1997. Charles Balter

At forty eight, Charles Balter, still seeking the perfect marriage between the spiritual and material worlds, is steeped in one of the most notorious situations for growth a man can choose - starting a second family and fathering two children under the age of three. His journeys through the New Age/Eastern spiritual circuit, chronicled on his first book, Laughing All the Way to Enlightenment, were nothing compared to the challenges of being a full-time dad.

His primary teachers are no longer the burning bodies on cremation pyres or indian barbers he encountered during his journeys to the East. Spiritual masters and the high-tech toys of consciousness have given way to a fiery wife, a two-and-a-half year-old angel named Sophia, and a hardy one-year old redheaded son, Cailean - plus a volatile Sicilian extended family - who drive him to the edge of sanity on a daily basis.

With humor, honesty, and compassionate insight, Balter tackles a variety of sensitive, controversial issues in this exploration of conscious parenting - including circumcision, vaccination and the nature of human immunity, home birth, unusual prenatal care practices, and living with an aging, dying parent. These stories will find a response in the heart and mind of all moms and dads - or anyone who has survived the war and peace of family life - whether or not they consider parenting a spiritual path.

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Excerpts from the forthcoming book entitled "The Tibetan Book of the Dad" by Charles Balter


About The Author

Chapter Summaries



"Sicilian Prophecy: An Offer I Could Not Refuse" ('Almost' a true story of Living, Dying and Diapering)

"Snip Me, Stamp Me! It's Official: I'm a Certified Human Being" (Circumcision and Home-Birth)

"The Eye of the Needle" (Childhood vaccination)


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Rescue Me! (One Golfer's Obnoxious Memoir)

Click here for Article: Rescue Me! (One Golfer's Obnoxious Memoir)

"Golf is typical capitalist lunacy" ~ George Bernard Shaw

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"Laughing All the Way to Enlightenment"

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